Bike Boat Eemlijn
Bike boat Eemlijn offers a touristical lineservice on the river Eem and the boardering lakes. Once a day the boat sails vice versa from Amersf…
Bike boat Eemlijn offers a touristical lineservice on the river Eem and the boardering lakes. Once a day the boat sails vice versa from Amersfoort to Spakenburg or Huizen. On the way, there is a stop in Soest, Baarn and Eemdijk. Here passengers can board or unboard. You can board with your bike or without it. On board there is full opportunity to purchase coffee, tea, lemonade, beer and wine. Moreover, toasted ham and cheese sandwiches( tostis) can be prepared for you as well. Of course you can also bring along your own sandwiches and beverages. In the morning the boat leaves from the port of Amersfoort at 10 o'clock. After that the boat leaves Soest at 10.45, Baarn at 11.30 and Eemdijk at 12.30. At last the boat arrives in Spakenburg or Huizen at 13.30. From there it leaves on the way back at 14.00 . From Eemdijk at 15.15, from Baarn at 16.15, from Soest at 17.00 and it arrives in Amersfoort at 17.50.
Fares of the boat trips:
The initial fare is 2 euro. Each covered route ( distance between two boarding sites) is 2 euro. You pay 1 euro for your bike regardless the distance covered. For the elderly ( plus 65) there is a reduction of 1 euro. Children up to two years old get free tickets. Children from two to 12 years old pay half.
From April 15th untill June 14th the boat sails to Spakenburg on Wednesdays and Saturdays. On Thursdays and Sundays it sails to Huizen.
From June 15th untill September 14th the boat sails to Spakenburg on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. And on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays to Huizen.
From September 15th untill October 15th the boat sails to Spakenburg on Wednesdays and Saturdays. And on Thursdays and Sundays to Huizen.
Eemweg 72 (tussen fietsknooppunten 17 en 64)
3741 LC Baarn Plan your route
from your location