Exploring Renswoude

(14.0 km) 21,538 steps

The Exploring Renswoude trail forms a timeline through history, starting in the Late Stone Age, taking in the Dutch Golden Age and showing the area’s development from agricultural land through the industrialisation of the 20th century and up to the present day. Along the way, you can learn a great many things about Renswoude’s origins, its castle, the local architecture and culture and how the town survived WWII from the 40 signposts with historical information. Scan the QR code on the signposts to find out more about the local area through interviews with residents, input from the Oud Renswoude Historical Society and excerpts from literary works.

Sights on this route

Starting point: Arnhemseweg 2
3927 EE Renswoude
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Renswoude Chamber of Antiquities

The chamber of antiquities of the Historical Society of Ancient Renswoud has been located in one of the apartments of Nieuw Buurt building at Dorpstraat 38 since the end of 2017.


The impressive castle of Renswoude should definitely not be missed! The leafy castle grounds and 'grand canal' invite the visitor to take a walk.

Renswoude Castle
End point: Arnhemseweg 2
3927 EE Renswoude
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Aangeboden door: Op de Heuvelrug