Vianen city walk
Boasting more than 190 national listed buildings, Vianen's history is visible everywhere you look. The city is also brim-full of stories told by grand edifices such as the Great Church and town hall as well as by the picturesque wall houses along Molenstraat and the old Lekpoort gate. This city walk takes you through Vianen's rich history as a ‘free city’, showing you all the loveliest spots in town. Enjoy the many fascinating stories and the inviting terraces of friendly Vianen.
Sights on this route
Starting point
VVV Vianen
Voorstraat 97
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Little or nothing is known about the history of the town of Vianen. The first recorded mention of Vianen was as Vyanen Castle, which was granted the right to hold a market twice a year in 1270....

The Lekpoort
The Lekpoort is the only city gate still remaining after parts of the city wall and gates were demolished in the 19th century, when they were seen to be impeding the increasing traffic.